A High Fantasy LARP
Play To Lift
Play to Lift as a concept is most likely known to most of you.
Even so, a reminder never hurts, does it?
Very short: Play to Lift is the Practice where your sole responsibility towards your fellow participants is to ensure that they have an awesome time. This also implies that the responsibility for your awesome time rests with all of your fellow participants!
It means you _lift_ your co-creators, it means you don't have to worry about being the perfect public speaker outgame. If you start a speecht ingame, you can count on your co-creators to react appropriately as if you are in fact the best orator in the world. Other characters can obviously still disagree with what you're saying...
See someone sitting alone? Go have a chat!
Have a dangerous secret? Tell the wrong person!
Don't know exactly how to interact with someone? Calibrate!
Your worst enemy tries something? Give the player a win, give the character a loss!
!!! Calibrate !!!
Should you wish to setup an epic scene with one or more other participants, feel free to calibrate beforehand about this. While a lot of the event is about improvisation, some things work even better if you check-in before the scene with your co-creators to see how you can play out this epic scene. This concept obviously relies heavily on the play-to-lift principle.
Kindly switch to 100% English as soon a you arrive on the location and certainly as soon as you step into character.
Even when you're sure you're only speaking to one other person in Dutch/French/... there is always the possibility somebody did some sneaking to eavesdrop on your conversation.
!!! OOC Communication !!!
If and when you need to say something out of character (eg: start calibrating, ask a question, you forgot something OOC that your character would still remember...), use the following symbol: Place your stretched hand above your eyes and look down a bit. This image can be a guide to this.
Safety is obviously one of the primary concerns throughout the event.
If at any time there is a situation where you feel the safety of yourself or any other participant is in jeopardy, you can always call out a "Time Stop" and reposition everyone involved.
!!! Personal Safety Check !!!
At any time you can also do a personal safety check using these symbols to ask and reply:
Are You Ok?
Use this to ask the person in front of you if they are (still) ok with the current intensity of the scene or interaction.
Ok / More
A response to indicate you are ok with the current intensity, use double "thumbs up" to indicate you want more.
Not Ok / Less
A response to indicate that you are not ok with the current intensity and an indication to tone it down or you will step out.
Just Right!
A response this level of intensity is just right. No more, no less.
Combat is part of Rogaria. We use safe, checked and approved LARP-weapons. Each weapon used must be checked before game start.
Never ever ever stab with a LARP weapon, unless the weapon is explicitly marked as 'ok to stab'.
Whether or not you are hit is a decision made by the receiving party.
Play out your hits.
For more details we refer to the game guide as well as the fighting workshop before start of the game.
Really, Really,...
There are several occasions within the game rules where you can be 'forced' to do something by somebody else.
Such a command is accompanied by "Really, really ..."
An example: "You really really want to stop talking now."
How you play out this command is up to you.
Colour codes
Within the world there are several entities with supernatural abilities. Such as monster-like strength, physical protection, ethereal,...
Each of these are represented by a colour-band across the eyes.
For details on the colours and their meaning, please refer to the game rules document.
What you see is ...
is what you get.
If anyone states something else, it is what they believe to be true, or what they want you to believe is true.
Play along accordingly based on how you character would react.
Darwesh Tent & The Sands...
If at any time you have questions for the organisors or scenario writers, feel free to reach out to one of the Darwesh roaming the fields or step into the Darwesh Tent and pray to the sands.